Neutrino detectors on the move
On 12 June, two large detector modules for the ICARUS experiment were loaded onto trucks at CERN to begin a six-week journey to Fermilab in the US. ICARUS will form part of Fermilab’s short-baseline...
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On 12 June, two large detector modules for the ICARUS experiment were loaded onto trucks at CERN to begin a six-week journey to Fermilab in the US. ICARUS will form part of Fermilab’s short-baseline...
Fermilab’s short-baseline neutrino programme targets sterile neutrinos.
On 29 June 1967, the Soviet government issued a document that gave the go-ahead to build a brand new underground facility for neutrino physics in the Baksan valley in the mountainous region of the Nor...
An experiment in Korea designed to search for light sterile neutrinos has published its first results, further constraining the possible properties of such a particle. Even though the number of light ...
The SNOLAB laboratory in Ontario, Canada, has received a grant of $28.6m to help secure its next three years of operations. The facility is one of 17 research facilities to receive support through Can...
This 11 m-high structure with thick steel walls will soon contain a prototype detector for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), a major international project based in the US for studying...
On 14 October, the KArlsruhe TRItium Neutrino (KATRIN) experiment, which is presently being assembled at Tritium Laboratory Karlsruhe on the KIT Campus North site, Germany, celebrated “first light�...
In July 1956, in a brief paper published in Science, a small team based at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in the US presented results from an experiment at a new, powerful fission reactor at the S...
When CERN was founded in 1954, the neutrino was technically still a figment of theorists’ imaginations. Six decades later, neutrinos have become the most studied of all elementary particles. Several...
In 1976, neutrinos did not yet have the prominent role in particle physics that they play today. Postulated by Pauli in 1930, they had been said to be undetectable due to their tiny interaction...