Enrico Chesta, Véronique Ferlet-Cavrois and Markus Brugger highlight seven ways CERN and ESA are working together to further fundamental exploration and innovation in space technologies.
China’s Tiangong space station represents one of the biggest projects in space exploration in recent decades.
Mark Thomson, CERN's Director General designate for 2025, talks to the Courier about the future of particle physics.
Inspired by high-dimensional data and the ideals of open science, high-energy physicists are using artificial intelligence to reimagine the statistical technique of ‘unfolding’...
CERN'S BASE-STEP experiment has taken the first step in testing the world's most compact antimatter trap.
Sheldon Glashow recalls the events surrounding a remarkable decade of model building and discovery between 1964 and 1974.
Hackathons can kick-start your career, says hacker and entrepreneur Jiannan Zhang.
Browse the editor’s picks by downloading a PDF of the most recent issue of CERN Courier
The platform technologies that underpin Europe’s large-scale research facilities
Daniel Tapia Takaki describes how ultraperipheral collisions mediated by high-energy photons are shedding light on gluon saturation, gluonic hotspots and nuclear shadowing.
A new CMS analysis explores an often overlooked, difficult corner of SUSY manifestations: compressed sparticle mass spectra.
Magnetic monopoles are hypothetical particles that would carry magnetic charge, a concept first proposed by Paul Dirac in 1931.
Forty-five experts from industry and academia met in the magnificent city of Toledo for the second workshop on efficient RF sources.
The 96th ICFA meeting heard extensive reports from the leading HEP laboratories and various world regions on their recent activities and plans.
A new measurement by ALICE will help to constrain the gluon PDF.
The accidental symmetries observed between the three generations of leptons are poorly understood, with no compelling theoretical motivation.
Achieving a theoretical uncertainty of only a few per cent in the measurement of physical observables is a vastly challenging task in the complex environment of hadronic collisions...
Data on strokes is plentiful but fragmented, making it difficult to exploit in data-driven treatment strategies.
Dark Matter: Evidence, Theory and Constraints will be useful to those who wish to broaden or extend their research interests, for instance to a different dark-matter candidate.
The Implications of LHCb measurements and future prospects workshop drew together more than 200 theorists and experimentalists from across the world.
In their new book, From Spinors to Supersymmetry, Herbi Dreiner, Howard Haber and Stephen Martin describe the two-component formalism of spinors and its applications to particle ph...