Charm and synthesis
Sheldon Glashow recalls the events surrounding a remarkable decade of model building and discovery between 1964 and 1974.
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Sheldon Glashow recalls the events surrounding a remarkable decade of model building and discovery between 1964 and 1974.
The accidental symmetries observed between the three generations of leptons are poorly understood, with no compelling theoretical motivation.
The Implications of LHCb measurements and future prospects workshop drew together more than 200 theorists and experimentalists from across the world.
The 42nd international conference on high-energy physics reported progress across all areas of high-energy physics.
The LHCb collaboration has undertaken a new study of B → DD decays using data from LHC Run 2.
Alexander Lenz argues that the charm quark is an experimental and theoretical enigma that has the potential to shed light on the matter–antimatter asymmetry in the universe.
Andrzej Buras explains how two rare kaon decays and four rare B-meson decays will soon probe for new physics beyond the reach of direct searches at colliders.
In a new measurement, ATLAS has turned its attention to the comparison of W decays to muons and electrons.
The LHCb collaboration recently measured a set of parameters that determine the matter–antimatter oscillation of the neutral D meson with unprecedented precision.
The LHCb collaboration has reported the first search for the decay of the neutral strange B-meson to a pair of muons and a reconstructed photon.