The BCVSPIN programme aims to facilitate interactions between researchers from Bangladesh, China, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, India and Nepal and the broader international commun...
In his new popular book, Harry Cliff tackles the thorny subject of anomalies in fundamental science.
Over the past 10 years, Mónica Bello facilitated hundreds of encounters between artists and scientists as curator of the Arts at CERN programme.
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CERN’s accelerator and experimental communities converged on Chamonix to chart a course for the future.
The third TDHEP workshop explored how triggers can cope with high data rates.
The 12th edition of the International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes attracted over 300 physicists to Nagasaki, Japan.
The first of a new series of workshops to discuss the future of beam-cooling technology for a muon collider.
The 14th Higgs Hunting workshop deciphered the latest results from the ATLAS and CMS experiments.
The 33rd assembly of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics took place in Haikou, China.
Kurt Hinterbichler reviews Claudia de Rham's first-hand and personal glimpse into the life of a theoretical physicist and the process of discovery.
Guido Barbiellini Amidei, who passed away on 15 November 2024, made fundamental contributions to both particle physics and astrophysics.
Meinhard Regler, an expert in detector development and software analysis, passed away on 22 September 2024 at the age of 83.
Renowned theorist Iosif Khriplovich passed away on 26 September 2024, aged 87.
Karel Šafařík, one of the founding members of the ALICE collaboration, passed away on 7 October 2024.
Günter Wolf, who played a leading role in the planning, construction and data analysis of experiments that were instrumental in establishing the Standard Model, passed away on 29�...
Evolution, ambition and international collaboration underpin US accelerator initiatives
Argonne National Laboratory
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Cornell University
Enrico Fermi Centre
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Forschungszentrum Jülich
GSI Darmstadt
IHEP, Serpukhov
Jefferson Laboratory
JINR Dubna
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Los Alamos National Lab
Novosibirsk Institute
Orsay Laboratory
PSI Laboratory
Saclay Laboratory
Science and Technology Facilities Council
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
TRIUMF Laboratory