Measuring energy correlators inside jets
The CMS collaboration has made the most precise measurement of the strong coupling constant using a method based on jet evolution.
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The CMS collaboration has made the most precise measurement of the strong coupling constant using a method based on jet evolution.
A technical design study has been recently launched for a new high-intensity physics programme at CERN’s North Area that will shape the physics landscape at CERN's North Area.
At the TOP 2023 workshop, the ATLAS collaboration reported the first observation of entangled top-quark pairs, opening new ways to test the fundamental properties of quantum mechanics.
Electronics engineer Oscar Barbalat pioneered knowledge-transfer at CERN.
His precise calculations of the electron and the muon g-factors remain milestones in the field.
ALICE has presented new results on J/ψ meson-production in ultra peripheral collisions, where the photon probes the whole nucleus.
Legacy results from the first LHC runs represent a new milestone in LHCb’s hunt for physics beyond the Standard Model.
The ATLAS collaboration presented an updated Higgs-boson mass having a precision of 0.9 per mille.