Past, present and future
Germany's impressive scientific traditions are a role model for other nations. A recent European committee meeting in Berlin painted a lively and informative picture of the current German scene.
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Germany's impressive scientific traditions are a role model for other nations. A recent European committee meeting in Berlin painted a lively and informative picture of the current German scene.
As well as being crucibles of research, today's big physics experiments are also factories for students - almost 700 have graduated from the DELPHI experiment at CERN's LEP electron-positron collide...
The problem of publishing physics papers that have long lists of authors and reconciling it with the need to give due recognition to the contributions of individuals or small groups has long been reco...
The text of the official statement on the creation of the new "scientific notes" class of publications.
An unlikely blend of geography, sponsorship and physics focus seems to work. Founding director Tom Ferbel describes a 20-year tradition of NATO-sponsored physics study institutes in the West Indies.
A major report by a working group of the influential OECD Megascience forum provides a valuable snapshot of nuclear physics and makes far-reaching recommendations for its future direction.
In its continual tour of CERN Member States, the European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA) visited Poland recently. The venue was Cracow's 600-year-old Jagiellonian University, the oldest in...
1800 physicists from 33 countries are participating in the ATLAS experiment, the largest detector being built for CERN's LHC collider. CERN Courier asked ATLAS Spokesperson Peter Jenni how the collab...
EPS prizes awarded in Stockholm.
Within the framework of the CERNAsia Fellows and Associates Programme, CERN offers three grants every year to young East, Southeast and South Asia postgraduates under 33, to participate in its sc...