US particle-physics community sets research priorities
In May, an advisory panel to federal funding agencies in the US approved a proposed plan for the future of the country’s particle physics.
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In May, an advisory panel to federal funding agencies in the US approved a proposed plan for the future of the country’s particle physics.
A new experiment gets going using Fermilab’s upgraded neutrino beam.
e OPERA experiment at the INFN Gran Sasso Laboratory has detected a fourth example of neutrino oscillation, with a muon neutrino produced at CERN detected as a τ neutrino after travelling a distance ...
On 11 February, the NOvA collaboration announced the detection of the first neutrinos in the long-baseline experiment’s far detector in northern Minnesota.
Precise measurements of cross-sections continue a rich history of neutrino physics at Fermilab.
The IceCube collaboration has reported evidence, at the 4σ level, for a diffuse (i.e. isotropic) flux of high-energy extra-terrestrial neutrinos, mostly above 60 TeV.
Anaïs Schaeffer reviews (in French) in 2013 Allegro Neutrino ou L’attrape-temps.
In August, after a 16-month shutdown, Fermilab resumed operation of its Neutrinos at the Main Injector (NuMI) beamline and sent the first muon neutrinos to three neutrino experiments: MINERvA, MINOS+ ...
The international Daya Bay collaboration has announced new results, including their first data on how neutrino oscillations vary with neutrino energy, which allows them to measure mass splitting betwe...