Conference time in Stockholm
All about a Higgs boson and more at EPS-HEP 2013.
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All about a Higgs boson and more at EPS-HEP 2013.
The GERDA collaboration has obtained new strong limits for neutrinoless double beta decay, which tests if neutrinos are their own antiparticles.
The international T2K collaboration chose the EPSHEP2013 meeting in Stockholm as the forum to announce its definitive observation of the transformation of muon-neutrinos to electron-neutrinos, νμ→...
Neutrino experiments – thanks to the nature of the particles themselves – are notoriously difficult and experiments that make use of the natural source of particles within the cosmic radiation fac...
A workshop in Marseilles focused on the search for exotic physics in the era of large-scale neutrino telescopes and the LHC.
The international Borexino collaboration has released results from a new measurement of geoneutrinos corresponding to 1352.60 live days and about 187 tonnes of liquid scintillator after all selectio...
The OPERA experiment at Gran Sasso has observed a third neutrino oscillation, with a muon-neutrino produced at CERN detected as a τ neutrino in the Gran Sasso laboratory. This extremely rare event wa...
What happens when a love of CERN and literature meet?
The first results from the Enriched Xenon Observatory 200 (EXO-200) on the search for neutrinoless double beta decay show no evidence for this hypothesised process, which would shed new light on the n...
KM3NeT will instrument several cubic kilometres of deep water.