Workshops focus on photon-hadron collisions
As well as taking proton-proton and heavy-ion physics into a new energy regime, CERN's LHC will produce the world's highest-energy photon-hadron interactions, providing a powerful fundamental physics ...
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As well as taking proton-proton and heavy-ion physics into a new energy regime, CERN's LHC will produce the world's highest-energy photon-hadron interactions, providing a powerful fundamental physics ...
The Malagasy capital of Antananarivo welcomed HEP-MAD '01, Madagascar's first conference on high-energy physics, at the end of September last year
The measurements gave a value for an electroweak parameter that was three standard deviations higher than predicted by the Standard Model.
After detecting hints of the long-awaited Higgs particle, CERN's LEP electron-positron collider closed at the end of 2000 and is now being dismantled. The search for the Higgs - the missing link in ...
Extremely accurate experiments can be conducted when particles and nuclei are delicately guided using electric and magnetic fields. A recent conference surveyed the range of such research under way ...
CERN's LEP electron-positron collider closed last year after a tantalizing and controversial finish, which revealed hints of the long-awaited Higgs particle - the missing link in today's picture of p...
CERN's LEP electron-positron collider stubbornly refused to lie down quietly in 2000.
At the end of August nearly 100 physicists met in Ambleside in England's beautiful Lake District for the Photon 2000 conference organized by Lancaster University.
With possible signs of the elusive Higgs particle on the horizon, on 14 September CERN decided to
extend the life of its flagship LEP electron-positron collider until 2 November 2000.
After commencing 2000 operations in fine style, CERN's flagship machine, the LEP electron-positron collider, has been regularly delivering experiments with beams of 103 GeV or more.