Analysis method measures angle γ
Up to a few years ago, no significant measurement of the angle γ in the unitarity triangle of B-meson physics was expected to come out of the current B-factories.
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Up to a few years ago, no significant measurement of the angle γ in the unitarity triangle of B-meson physics was expected to come out of the current B-factories.
"Table-top" experiments can still probe physics complementary to particle searches at high-energy accelerators. A beta-neutrino correlation experiment using TRIUMF's Neutral Atom Trap (TRINAT) has now...
Normal muon decay is an ideal process to investigate the electroweak interaction in the Standard Model.
ICHEP'04, the 32nd International Conference on High Energy Physics, was successfully held in Beijing from 16-22 August, hosted by the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) and the Chinese Academy of...
Dieter Haidt, from the Gargamelle collaboration, describes how the team's major triumph came about and was eventually accepted.
The D0 collaboration at Fermilab has applied a new technique for measuring the mass of the top quark that yields a more precise result than previously.
The Large Electron Positron collider made significant contributions to the process of establishing the Standard Model as the basis for matter and forces, and also built a platform for physics scenario...
Pierre Darriulat, who was spokesperson for the UA2 collaboration between 1978 and 1985, looks back at the events surrounding the discovery of the W and Z particles at CERN in 1983.
The International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics of the European Physical Society (HEP-EPS) provided a superb synergy between physics, history and music, as Felicitas Pauss reports.
Guido Altarelli reviews in 2003 Fundamentals of Electroweak Theory.