Einstein ring reveals dwarf dark-matter galaxy
If a remote galaxy is located exactly behind another galaxy then it can be seen deformed by gravitational lensing as an “Einstein ring”. The careful analysis of such an effect has recently...
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If a remote galaxy is located exactly behind another galaxy then it can be seen deformed by gravitational lensing as an “Einstein ring”. The careful analysis of such an effect has recently...
During its December meetings, CERN Council announced that an Open Symposium will be held in Cracow on 10–13 September 2012 for the purpose of updating the European Strategy for Particle Physics.
At its 161st meeting at CERN on 16 December, the CERN Council unanimously voted to admit the Republic of Serbia to associate membership as the pre-stage to membership of CERN.
The presentations revealed that if the Higgs boson exists in the manner predicted by the Standard Model, then its mass is most likely between 115.5 and 127 GeV.
The LHCb collaboration has announced of the most interesting (and unexpected) results to come from the LHC so far: evidence of CP violation in charm decays.
The ATLAS collaboration has announced the discovery of the χb(3P), which is a bound state of a bottom quark and bottom antiquark (bb).
In current understanding, the matter created in heavy-ion collisions – the quark–gluon plasma (QGP) – behaves as a nearly perfect liquid.
A team at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) at Michigan State University has developed a new experimental technique for measuring (p, n) charge-exchange reactions at intermediat...
A design study for the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) project to upgrade the LHC has been launched.
While researchers strive for better instruments and methods, industrial companies look towards the research community for turning clever ideas and working prototypes into commercial products with impr...