R(D) ratios in line at LHCb
The accidental symmetries observed between the three generations of leptons are poorly understood, with no compelling theoretical motivation.
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The accidental symmetries observed between the three generations of leptons are poorly understood, with no compelling theoretical motivation.
The Implications of LHCb measurements and future prospects workshop drew together more than 200 theorists and experimentalists from across the world.
In their new book, From Spinors to Supersymmetry, Herbi Dreiner, Howard Haber and Stephen Martin describe the two-component formalism of spinors and its applications to particle physics, quantum field...
A new measurement from the CMS experiment at the LHC contradicts the anomaly reported by CDF.
Two recent results may ease the tension between theory and experiment.
Experts in data analysis, statistics and machine learning for physics came together from 9 to 12 September for PHYSTAT’s Statistics meets Machine Learning workshop.
The 42nd international conference on high-energy physics reported progress across all areas of high-energy physics.
The measurement is the most precise to date and about 50% higher than the SM prediction.
Matthew McCullough argues that beyond-the-Standard Model physics may be most strongly expressed in the Higgs self-coupling.
Supersymmetry (SUSY) provides elegant solutions to many of the problems of the Standard Model (SM) by introducing new boson/fermion partners for each SM fermion/boson, and by extending the Higgs secto...