DESY laboratory forms new research links with Russia
DESY and three Russian institutes will work together to resolve current questions in particle physics.
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DESY and three Russian institutes will work together to resolve current questions in particle physics.
The Astroparticle Physics European Coordination (ApPEC) consortium and the AStroParticle European Research Area (ASPERA) network have together published a roadmap giving an overview of the status and ...
The US National Science Foundation (NSF) has selected a proposal to produce a technical design for a deep underground science and engineering laboratory (DUSEL) at the former Homestake gold mine near ...
Physicists in Germany will soon be able to strengthen their role in the international quest to understand the fundamental laws of nature.
In another major development, Council approved a programme of additional activities together with the associated budget resources.
A recent review by the Canadian subatomic-physics community has identified the main priorites for the coming years for research in nuclear and particle physics in Canada.
TRIUMF's new director Nigel Lockyer looks to the future of co-operation in particle physics, and Canada's role in this increasingly global adventure.
John Womersley explains the changes taking place in the UK's support structure for nuclear and particle physics and the operation of large science facilities.
In February the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, BMBF, set up new funding for the German universities and institutions involved in ALICE, ATLAS and CMS.
The Diamond Light Source, the UK's new synchrotron facility in Oxfordshire, has welcomed its first scientific users after opening its doors for business in February.