
DESY laboratory forms new research links with Russia

19 October 2007

DESY is to establish a new research group in which young scientists from DESY and three Russian institutes will work together to resolve current questions in particle physics. DESY’s proposal for “Physics and Calorimetry at the Terascale” is one of eight applications selected from 26 submissions to form a Helmholtz–Russia Joint Research Group. This comes as part of an initiative launched in 2006 by the president of the Helmholtz Association, Jürgen Mlynek, and the chair of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Vladislav Khomich. One aim of the new three-year support programme is to promote scientific co-operation between DESY and Russia and to provide attractive research opportunities for young scientists in particle physics. Within the joint research group, DESY will collaborate with three institutes based in Moscow: the Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow State University and Moscow Engineering Physics Institute. The group will be involved in physics analyses of experiments at HERA and the LHC and for the proposed International Linear Collider (ILC), as well as in detector design and construction for the LHC and ILC.

The approval of this joint research group acknowledges the long and successful collaboration between DESY and its Russian partner institutes. The proposed activities will complement those of the Helmholtz Analysis Centre at DESY and the strategic alliance between DESY and German universities.

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