A wide span of physics
Nobel prizewinner in 1984, architect and mason of CERN's biggest ever physics discovery and director-general of CERN from 1989 to 1993, Carlo Rubbia remains a continual fountainhead of new ideas. A ...
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Nobel prizewinner in 1984, architect and mason of CERN's biggest ever physics discovery and director-general of CERN from 1989 to 1993, Carlo Rubbia remains a continual fountainhead of new ideas. A ...
Michael Witherell, from the the University of California, Santa Barbara, will succeed John Peoples as director of Fermilab on 1 July. The search for a new Fermilab director began last year, when John ...
Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre Director Burt Richter will step down on 31 August. His successor will be Jonathan Dorfan, associate director of SLAC and head of its recently dedicated B-Factory pro...
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste has awarded its Dirac Medal this year to Stephen Adler of Princeton's Institute for Advanced Study and Roman Jackiw of MI...
Klaus Kinder-Geiger, 35, a leading theorist in relativistic heavy-ion physics, died tragically on 2 September aboard the Swissair New York to Geneva flight which crashed near Nova Scotia.
The international "Niels Bohr and the Evolution of Physics in the 20th Century" meeting earlier this year provided the opportunity to reassess the evolutional impact of Bohr's "Lebenswerk".