Cosmogenic candidate lights up KM3NeT
Strings of photodetectors anchored to the seabed off the coast of Sicily have detected the most energetic neutrino ever observed, smashing previous records.
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Strings of photodetectors anchored to the seabed off the coast of Sicily have detected the most energetic neutrino ever observed, smashing previous records.
The Tokai-to-Kamioka (T2K) collaboration has brought an upgraded near detector online.
In February this year, the DUNE experiment completed the excavation of three enormous caverns 1.5 kilometres below the surface at the new Sanford Underground Research Facility.
How big is a neutrino? Results from BeEST set new limits on the size of the neutrino’s wave packet, but theorists are at odds over how to interpret the data.
André de Gouvêa explains why neutrino masses imply the existence of new fundamental fields.
Embedded in 3 km-thick ice, the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole needs permanent human company to keep it operational. Recent IceCube “winterover” Marc Jacquart shares his experien...
The Magnificent CEvNS workshop in Munich brought together researchers working on coherent elastic neutrino–nucleus scattering for the third time.
In the latest milestone for the CERN Neutrino Platform, a state-of-the-art time projection chamber for the near detector of the upgraded T2K experiment in Japan is now fully operational.
The FASER experiment at the LHC has directly observed the interactions of neutrinos produced at a collider.
The conclusion of the Majorana Demonstrator measurement campaign paves the way for LEGEND and future dark-matter searches.