A mechanism for mass
There's a famous photograph of a young Nepalese climber standing on top of Everest in 1953. It's the only picture there is, but Tenzing Norgay was not alone.
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There's a famous photograph of a young Nepalese climber standing on top of Everest in 1953. It's the only picture there is, but Tenzing Norgay was not alone.
The principal goal of the experimental programme at the LHC is to make the first direct exploration of a completely new region of energies and distances, to the tera-electron-volt scale and beyond.
The D0 collaboration at Fermilab has announced the observation of pairs of Z bosons produced in proton–antiproton collisions.
This autumn, commissioning should be in full swing on the LHC at CERN, the world’s largest laboratory for the study of subnuclear physics.
With Switzerland's reputation for exactitude, Zurich was the ideal place for scientists to discuss high precision for hard processes at LHC in this last year's workshop.
On 8 December, scientists from the D0 experiment at Fermilab's Tevatron announced the first evidence for top quarks produced singly, rather than in pairs.
The KEDR collaboration has precisely measured the τ lepton mass.
As preparations for the start-up of the LHC continue to gather pace, a meeting in Cracow gave physicists the opportunity to take time to look to the exciting physics in store.
The D0 Collaboration at Fermilab has announced the first measurement of the cross-section for WZ pair production in proton–antiproton collisions.
More than 80 physicists from all over the world met in January in the ancient Portuguese town of Coimbra to take part in the International Workshop on Top Quark Physics, TOP2006.