Neutrino mixing at Daya Bay
The experiment is poised to investigate the least well known sector of the recently discovered phenomenon of neutrino mixing.
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The experiment is poised to investigate the least well known sector of the recently discovered phenomenon of neutrino mixing.
The central tracker detector of the Anti Matter Spectrometer (AMS) arrived at CERN on 25 September ready for assembly with the other components of the experiment.
The ATLAS collaboration recently celebrated installing the last of the eight "big wheels" that form part of the endcap muon spectrometer of the detector.
The director of a new large-scale radio telescope explains its goals.
Using its first station of distributed radio antennas, the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) radio telescope has successfully detected the pulsar PSR B0329+54.
The ATLAS collaboration gathers speed in commissioning its subdetectors.
In the early hours of 13 June, the first of the two gigantic toroid magnet endcaps touched the ATLAS cavern floor.
RICH detectors get ready for heavy-flavour physics at the LHC.
The Borexino detector is now fully operational at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso.
On 18 May, the Virgo laser interferometer for the detection of gravitational waves started its first science run at the European Gravitational Observatory, Pisa, marking a step forward towards a new ...