ATLAS observes striking imbalance of jet energies in heavy ion collisions
The ATLAS experiment has made the first observation of an unexpectedly large imbalance of energy in pairs of jets created in lead-ion collisions at the LHC.
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The ATLAS experiment has made the first observation of an unexpectedly large imbalance of energy in pairs of jets created in lead-ion collisions at the LHC.
At the "LHC end-of-year jamboree" at CERN on 17 December, the CMS collaboration announced the first results of its search for supersymmetry (SUSY) at the LHC.
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Four days is all that it took for the LHC operations team at CERN to complete the transition from protons to lead ions in the LHC.
After almost six months of operation in a new energy region, the experiments at the LHC are yielding papers on physics at 7 TeV in the centre-of-mass. They include results aired at the International ...
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The collaboration has set its limits for the hypothesised particle outside of the Standard Model.