

Welcome to the latest issue of CERN Courier

It’s remarkable that the estimated age of the universe could be revised downward by over half a billion years – a possibility that now looms for cosmologists. For particle physicists, the implications of a couple of parts per billion on the predicted magnetic moment of the muon are no less dramatic. These are the stakes in this edition of CERN Courier, which sheds light on two of the most intriguing anomalies in fundamental science: the “Hubble tension” and “muon g-2”.

Elsewhere in the magazine: Ugo Amaldi remembers his father Edoardo’s foundational contributions to European cooperation in science; KM3NeT smashes records for neutrino energy; CERN accelerates superconductor technology; CDF stands by the W-mass anomaly; the relationship between particle physics and art; upgrading triggers for the HL-LHC; how to get a job in computer-game design; and much more.

Click on a cover below to download a PDF version of the issue. You can access a full archive of all CERN Courier issues and content via the CERN Document Server. For details on how to subscribe to the print edition, see the About CERN Courier page.

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