The Institute of High Energy Physics is China’s principal laboratory for the study of particle physics. The Beijing campus hosts the Beijing Electron–Positron Collider, the BESIII experiment and the Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility. IHEP also runs a sister campus in Guangdong province that will be home to the China Spallation Neutron Source facility, and experimental sites at Yangbajing, Daocheng, Jiangmen and Daya Bay, where world-leading neutrino-oscillation measurements are performed.
CERN Courier laboratory correspondent: Guo Lijun
The largest charm-threshold data set ever collected is also vital for studies with charm and beauty mesons at LHCb and Belle II.
The directors of KEK, CERN, Fermilab and IHEP discussed a future global strategy at the 13th ICFA seminar.
First proposed in 2012, the Circular Electron Positron Collider in China is soon to enter an engineering design phase.
China's superconducting proton accelerator is designed to drive a future subcritical reactor for nuclear-energy generation.
Prior to the BESIII result published in May, the Particle Data Group listing for ⍺- had remained unchanged since 1978.
HADRON2019 reviewed studies of exotic states at facilities around the world.