Good strategy demands the right balance
As the second update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics gets under way, Tatsuya Nakada reflects on the experience of the previous update in 2013.
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As the second update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics gets under way, Tatsuya Nakada reflects on the experience of the previous update in 2013.
The goal of “Gen-HET” is to improve the visibility of women in the field of high-energy theory.
It is high time we addressed the low representation of women in high-energy theoretical physics, says Marika Taylor.
The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences is part of a pan-African model for sustainable development.
As the EPS turns 50, building scientific bridges across political divides remains as vital as ever, argues Rüdiger Voss.
The European strategy group’s drafting session will take place on 20–24 January 2020, in Bad Honnef, Germany.
The Future Circular Collider study would see a 100 km-circumference tunnel built at CERN to host post-LHC colliders.
The latest CEPC baseline design is a 100 km double ring.
Geoffrey Taylor is chair of the International Committee for Future Accelerators.
The laboratory’s plans for the 2020s include building the world’s most powerful X-ray microscope and constructing a new centre for data and computing science.