Jacques Soffer 1940–2019
Jacques Soffer was a prolific theorist and phenomenologist who played a big part in persuading the elementary particle community of the importance of polarisation-type measurements.
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Jacques Soffer was a prolific theorist and phenomenologist who played a big part in persuading the elementary particle community of the importance of polarisation-type measurements.
Anton Oed was a passionate inventor whose introduction of micro-strip gas chambers at the Institut Laue-Langevin in 1988 was a decisive breakthrough in the field of radiation detectors.
The $3 million prize will be shared equally between 347 researchers who were co-authors of the six papers published by the EHT collaboration on 10 April.
Jonathan Gaunt was recognised for contributions to parton scattering, and Josh Bendavid for his contributions to Higgs physics and parton density functions.
Viatcheslav Mukhanov, Alexei Starobinsky and Rashid Sunyaev share the prize for work on the physics of the cosmic microwave background.
Sally Dawson of Brookhaven National Laboratory has been recognised for her outstanding contributions to the theoretical description of processes at hadron colliders.
Broader European support is vital to preserve and build capacity in fundamental physics in the region of former Yugoslavia and the Balkans, argues Goran Djordjevic.
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Marriage of supersymmetry and general relativity continues to impact theoretical physics.