The beginning of a new science
Over the 45 years since their discovery, neutrinos have changed from being a physics oddity into one of experimental physics' most powerful tools.
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Over the 45 years since their discovery, neutrinos have changed from being a physics oddity into one of experimental physics' most powerful tools.
For many years, physicists searching for and studying delicate physics effects have been working in the shelter of large underground installations. Now the ocean too is the scene of new physics dev...
Neutrinos were the subject of an annual conference held in Poland in January.
A new way of making neutrino beams has caught the attention of physicists worldwide.
In a move that significantly extends the scope of European collaboration in particle physics, CERN is collaborating with the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics in a new project.
In normal beta decay, a nuclear neutron transforms into a proton by emitting a neutrino. A far more exotic possibility is two successive beta decays, in which the neutrino emitted in the first decay w...
Neutrinos are always compelling physics. The neutrino sessions at this year's International Lepton-Photon Symposium at Stanford gave an up-to-date snapshot.
This is the first step towards the verification of the neutrino oscillation results given by the Super-Kamiokande last year.
Deep in a former Minnesota iron mine, scientists and government officials recently wielded pickaxes to chip away, at least symbolically, at the mysteries surrounding the subatomic particles known as n...
Neutrinos have always been in the particle physics spotlight. However, with new machine ideas opening up the possibility of intense neutrino sources, this area of research could go on to reveal furthe...