Neutrinos lead beyond the desert
The Finnish town of Oulu, on the Gulf of Bothnia, almost at the Arctic Circle, provided a pleasant atmosphere for a conference on particle physics beyond the Standard Model.
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The Finnish town of Oulu, on the Gulf of Bothnia, almost at the Arctic Circle, provided a pleasant atmosphere for a conference on particle physics beyond the Standard Model.
Just over a year ago, an accident at the Superkamiokande detector in Japan brought neutrino experiments there to a temporary conclusion.
The MiniBOONE experiment at Fermilab inthe US saw its first neutrinos in September.
The science of neutrino physics has reached a watershed, with discovery giving way to precision measurements. Michael Altmann reports from the XXth International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Ast...
The MiniBooNE experiment at the US Fermilab achieved two major milestones recently, as the tank was filled with the last drops of mineral oil and the first trickle of beam was delivered to the tempora...
The Sun shines, just as described by our best theories of its thermonuclear furnace. Neutrinos oscillate - at least, electron-neutrinos change into another type.
Cosmic-ray particles with the highest energies could give us clues about the mass of the relic particles from the Big Bang with the lowest energies - neutrinos - according to recent research.
The expansion of the University of Minnesota's Soudan underground laboratory is now complete.
Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg, Germany, have reported evidence of neutrinoless double beta decay.
The measurements gave a value for an electroweak parameter that was three standard deviations higher than predicted by the Standard Model.