OPERA reports time-of-flight anomaly
The OPERA experiment in Italy’s INFN Gran Sasso Laboratory has sent ripples round the world with its findings that neutrinos created 730 km away at CERN arrive at the detector slightly earlier than...
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The OPERA experiment in Italy’s INFN Gran Sasso Laboratory has sent ripples round the world with its findings that neutrinos created 730 km away at CERN arrive at the detector slightly earlier than...
The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment has begun its quest to answer some of the puzzling questions that still remain about neutrinos.
One of last year's surprise results came from the MINOS (Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search) experiment in the US, which suggested that neutrinos and their antimatter counterparts, antineutrino...
The NUSKY 2011 workshop took place as studies of cosmic neutrinos enter the cubic-kilometre era.
The T2K and MINOS experiments have reported results from their searches for the appearance of electron-neutrinos in beams of muon-neutrinos produced at distant locations.
The largest liquid-argon time-projection chamber is now in action.
Borexino and KamLAND make the first measurements of Earth’s neutrinos.
Deep in the ice at the South Pole, the IceCube detector is now fully functioning after six years of challenging construction.
The INPC 2010 meeting reveals a healthy and dynamic research field.