LHCb installs bridge and beampipe section…
The last large component of the Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb) experiment has descended into the cavern on the LHC ring, and the delicate installation of the important beryllium vacuum chambers h...
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The last large component of the Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb) experiment has descended into the cavern on the LHC ring, and the delicate installation of the important beryllium vacuum chambers h...
In mid-July, the ALICE Collaboration reached important milestones with the installation of the trigger and tracking chambers of the muon spectrometer.
The ATLAS Collaboration passed a major milestone during the evening of 1 August.
July saw some major manoeuvres for the CMS detector, as the collaboration prepares to lower it into its final position on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN.
PAMELA will stay in space for at least three years, on a 70° elliptic orbit at an altitude of 300–600 km.
After many years of tests, the ANTARES neutrino detector deployed in the Mediterranean Sea is using its first full detector line to register the tracks of cosmic-ray muons.
The MAGIC telescope has discovered variable very-high-energy gamma-ray emission from a microquasar.
On 16 June the time projection chamber (TPC) for the ALICE experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) started to record its first real events, reconstructing the tracks of cosmic rays.
Members of the CMS collaboration have spent much of this year preparing for crucial tests before starting to lower the gigantic detector into the underground cavern in the autumn.
The island of Elba, off the coast of Tuscany, hosted the 10th Pisa meeting on frontier detectors, a quarter of a century since the meetings began. Giorgio Chiarelli reports.