CDF measures matter-antimatter B0s transition
The CDF collaboration at Fermilab has announced the precision measurement of the matter-antimatter transitions for the B0s meson, which consists of a bottom quark bound to a strange anti-quark.
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The CDF collaboration at Fermilab has announced the precision measurement of the matter-antimatter transitions for the B0s meson, which consists of a bottom quark bound to a strange anti-quark.
A recent meeting at CERN reviewed the progress in the development of micro-pattern gas detectors for current and future particle-physics experiments.
The D0 collaboration at Fermilab has published the first direct two-sided bound on the oscillation frequency of the B0s, the meson comprising a strange quark (s) and a bottom antiquark (Bbar).
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After a successful construction season over the Austral summer at the South Pole, the IceCube detector array is now preparing to tackle real physics. Spencer Klein reports.
At the heart of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), silicon sensors will provide accurate detection of charged particles produced in the collisions.
Erhard Steffens describes the various phases in a successful decade of operation of the HERMES gas target, which may live on with future use for antiproton polarization.
The CMS collaboration has for the first time operated a whole sector of drift-tube chambers (DTCs) and detected cosmic muons
Operation of the Super-Kamiokande (SK) II detector in Japan was terminated last October after three years of running to begin a full restoration of the detector.