First ions for ALICE and rings for LHCb
Injection tests on 25–29 September delivered heavy ions for the first time to the threshold of the LHC. Particles were extracted from the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) and transported along the TI...
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Injection tests on 25–29 September delivered heavy ions for the first time to the threshold of the LHC. Particles were extracted from the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) and transported along the TI...
As with the other experiments, the shutdown period provided the opportunity for consolidation work on the detectors.
AMS-02, the experiment that will seek dark matter, missing matter and antimatter in space aboard the International Space Station (ISS), has recently received the green light to be part of the STS-134 ...
Recent events at CERN are helping to pave the way towards a worldwide linear-collider community in accelerators and detectors.
TOTEM prepares innovative detectors to study collisions at the LHC.
A look back to the first observation of weak neutral currents.
The LHC's anti-clockwise beam transfer system was tested on 6 and 7 June.
After five years of construction, the upgraded Beijing Electron–Positron Collider (BEPCII) and the new Beijing Spectrometer (BESIII) finished accumulating their first large data set of more than 100...
Experiment at Gran Sasso provides key evidence for the solar-neutrino problem.
ALICE is designed to study matter produced in high-energy nuclear collisions at the LHC, in particular using lead ions. The goal is to investigate thoroughly the characteristics of hot, dense matter a...