ALICE through a gamma-ray looking glass
The ALICE experiment is optimized to perform in the environment of heavy-ion collisions at the LHC, which can produce thousands of particles. Its design combines an excellent vertex resolution with a ...
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The ALICE experiment is optimized to perform in the environment of heavy-ion collisions at the LHC, which can produce thousands of particles. Its design combines an excellent vertex resolution with a ...
Latest results from 10 years of proton–antiproton running.
Astronomical observations – such as the rotation velocities of galaxies and gravitational lensing – show that more than 80% of the matter in the universe remains invisible.
The NOvA neutrino detector that is currently under construction in northern Minnesota has recorded its first 3D images of particle tracks.
Ariella Cattai reviews in 2013 Imaging gaseous detectors and their applications.
After more than three years of highly successful operation, the ALICE detector is about to undergo a major programme of consolidation and upgrade during the Long Shutdown 1 (LS1) of CERN’s ac...
The success of the procedure for vdM scans at the LHC resulted from close co-operation between the LHC accelerator team and the four large experimental collaborations.
There will be no rest at Point 5, site of the CMS detector, during the long shutdown
Despite first being described over three centuries ago, gravity remains one of the least understood of the fundamental forces.
Photos highlight some of CERN’s preparations for a busy two years of maintenance and consolidation.