Raising the curtain on antimatter
At first sight, physics and theatre are difficult to mix, but this is no reason not to try. Together, the genius of Dirac, the dilemma of antimatter, an unusual setting and some physical and mental ...
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At first sight, physics and theatre are difficult to mix, but this is no reason not to try. Together, the genius of Dirac, the dilemma of antimatter, an unusual setting and some physical and mental ...
Pedro G Ferreira reviews in 2000 Quintessence, the Mystery of the Missing Mass in the Universe.
The new edition of this successful book includes material on wavelet analysis, multigrid methods and homogenization theory, and the introduction of popular software tools.
These are the proceedings of the International Conference on Complex Systems, in the New England Complex Systems Institute Series on Complexity.
Long available as two volumes (Normal Fermi Liquidsand Superfluid Bose Liquids),these reliable classics are now available as a combined volume in paperback.
This 300-page collection of problems over the full range of field theory applications has very helpful solutions and further explanations.
Rüdiger Voss reviews in 2000 Introduction to High Energy Physics.
Gian Francesco Giudice reviews in 2000 Journeys Beyond the Standard Model.
Daniel Treille reviews in 2000 Supersymmetry - Unveiling the Ultimate Laws of Nature.
Steve Reucroft reviews in 2000 Cosmology: the Science of the Universe .