Flooded LHC data centre back in business
Following severe damage caused by flooding on 9 November, the INFN-CNAF Tier-1 data centre of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) in Bologna, Italy, has been fully repaired and is back in business...
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Following severe damage caused by flooding on 9 November, the INFN-CNAF Tier-1 data centre of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) in Bologna, Italy, has been fully repaired and is back in business...
A report calls for radical changes in computing and software to ensure the success of high-energy physics experiments into the 2020s
In November, Fermilab became a research member of CERN openlab – a public-private partnership between CERN and major ICT companies established in 2001 to meet the demands of particle-physics researc...
On 12 September, 56 servers left CERN bound for the SESAME light-source facility in Jordan. “These servers are a very valuable addition to the SESAME data centre,” said Salman Matalgah, head of IT...
Openlab head Alberto Di Meglio explores the ICT challenges that must be tackled over the coming years.
The DECO team has developed a new machine-learning analysis.
On 14 July, the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) organisation signed an agreement with CERN to formalize their collaboration in the area of extreme-scale computing. The agreement will address the challeng...
A European scheme to make publicly funded scientific data openly available has entered its first phase of development, with CERN one of several organisations poised to test the new technology. Launche...
Pere Mato Vila reviews in 2016 Learning Scientific Programming With Python.
A trigger upgrade helps CMS tame collision environment of LHC Run 2