LHC computing: Milestones (archive)
LHC computing articles from the archive.
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When CERN's LHC collider begins operation, it will be the most powerful machine of its type in the world, providing research facilities for thousands of researchers from all over the globe.
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (EGEE) is the largest multidisciplinary Grid infrastructure in the world, covering research fields from particle physics to biomedicine. Now the project has begun its thir...
Wayne Salter explains the basis for a new collaborative approach
Pierre Charrue describes the infrastructure to ensure correct operation
The 11th ICALEPCS conference looked at projects around the world.
The Japan Lattice QCD Collaboration has used numerical simulations to reproduce spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking (SCSB) in quantum chromodynamics (QCD).
Calculations of the structure of heavy nuclei have long suffered from the difficulties presented by the sheer complexity of the many-body system, with all of its protons and neutrons.
Steve Reucroft reviews in 2006 Programming the Universe: A Quantum Computer Scientist Takes on the Cosmos.
Urs Hölzle from Google points out that while the performance of commodity computer clusters continues to increase, so does their electrical power consumption.