How to surf to high energies
The AWAKE experiment is adapting plasma-wakefield acceleration for applications in particle physics.
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The AWAKE experiment is adapting plasma-wakefield acceleration for applications in particle physics.
A new five-year-long project aims to accelerate novel computing, engineering and scientific ideas for the ATLAS and CMS upgrades.
The US Department of Energy has approved “Critical Decision 3A” for the future Brookhaven-based collider.
The LHC’s dedicated heavy-ion experiment is to be equipped with an upgraded inner tracker and a new forward calorimeter during the next long shutdown.
A workshop on sustainability for future accelerators took place on 25–27 September in Morioka, Japan.
The topical workshop “Gigahertz Rate and Rapid Muon Acceleration” showed how advanced accelerator concepts can jump-start dark-sector searches.
The directors of KEK, CERN, Fermilab and IHEP discussed a future global strategy at the 13th ICFA seminar.
For the LHC, the aim during 2024 is to accumulate an integrated luminosity of up to 90 inverse femtobarns.
Weaving through the molasse and limestone beneath Lake Geneva and around Mont Salève, the Future Circular Collider would constitute a major global civil-engineering project in its own right.
Snapshots of the latest developments in FCC-ee vacuum, radio-frequency, magnet and alignment technologies.