
UK phenomenology centre is created

27 June 2000


After several months of negotiations, the UK Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council has announced the establishment of an Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology at Durham University. The director designate is James Stirling.

The aim is to establish a broad-based, internationally competitive research activity in a key area. Phenomenology (the analysis, comparison and interpretation of data) is the bridge between theory and experiment. Durham already has a considerable international reputation in this field. The new Institute will set out to make additonal contributions to both the experimental and the wider UK theoretical programmes. Research will encompass accelerator and non-accelerator measurements, and the emphasis of the research should evolve with the UK experimental particle physics programme. Experimentalists will participate in the activities of the new institute, which will host an extensive visitor programme and hold workshops and summer schools for the benefit of the whole UK particle physics community. The institute is expected to start up in October.

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