
Macroscopic Electrodynamics: An Introductory Graduate Treatment

12 August 2016

By W Wilcox and Chris Thron

World Scientific


This book provides a comprehensive treatment of classical electrodynamics for graduate students of physics and engineering. The word “macroscopic” in the title refers both to the large-scale manifestations of the theory and to the applications of the so-called macroscopic Maxwell equations to idealised media, which are discussed in the book.

The topics are carefully explained, using precise but informal language that would appeal to younger students. On the mathematics side, a background in advanced calculus, linear algebra and variational methods is needed by the reader, as is a basic understanding of electrodynamics on the physics side. A large set of exercises is integrated into the text. They are designed to help students to get to grips with concepts and practical methods, but also to stimulate their intuition, rather than their ability in calculus.

After an introduction on the basic concepts of electrostatic and magnetostatic fields and interactions, the authors move on to extending such concepts to time-dependent phenomena. A whole section is then dedicated to the properties, interactions and applications of electromagnetic waves. Finally, a chapter covers relativity and electromagnetic formalism. Hints of many other topics are given in conclusion, both to stimulate the curiosity of student readers and guide them towards further studies.

Besides an appendix on units, a guide to problems is also included, in which the solutions to the exercises that are not integrated in the text are provided.

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