
ICFA launches selection process

27 January 2004

The International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA), chaired by director of SLAC Jonathan Dorfan, has announced the members of a 12-person International Technology Recommendation Panel (ITRP) for a future linear collider. The ITRP, with four members each from Europe, North America and Asia, is charged with recommending which of two leading accelerating technologies will form the best choice for a future international linear collider.

In 2002 ICFA set up its International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC), chaired by Maury Tigner of Cornell, to guide the community through the R&D phase to construction of a linear collider. However, to commence an international design, the community must decide between two leading linac RF technologies based on conventional, room-temperature copper cavities or superconducting cavities.

At its meeting in Paris on 19 November, the ILCSC finalized the selection of the ITRP, its chair and charter. Barry Barish of Caltech is to be chair, and the ITRP is to hold its first meeting in January 2004.

• The charge to ITRP, the panel membership and the parameters for a linear collider are in “Recent ICFA Linear Collider Activities” at

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