By Joseph John Bevelacqua
When developing technologies involving the use of nuclear material or ionisation radiation, a number of safety issues and potential risks have to be addressed. The author of this book, a certified health physicist and an expert in radiation protection, discusses these emerging topics related to radiation-generating technologies and associated hazards.
The book opens with a brief overview of modern radiation-protection challenges, before delving into specific areas. First, the author discusses the nuclear-fuel cycle, analysing its steps and related issues such as reactors, new technologies for uranium enrichment and waste disposal. In the following section, he deals with nuclear accidents and radiological emergencies – making specific reference to the well-known disasters of Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima Daiichi – and with the risk of terrorist events involving sabotage or the use of improvised nuclear weapons and devices.
Today, nuclear material is also largely employed for medical imaging and therapies, thus a part of the book is devoted to these technologies and to the consequent increase of public radiation exposure. Finally, the last section focuses on regulatory issues, limitations and challenges.
Meant for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students of health-physics and engineering courses, the book would also be a useful reference for scientists and professionals working in radiation protection, fuel-cycle technology and nuclear medicine. More than 300 problems with solutions accompany the text and many appendices provide background information.