CERN and JINR have a long and successful history of collaboration – the first informal meeting on international co-operation in the field of high-energy accelerators took place at CERN in 1959 – and both provided a bridge between East and West for decades. In 1992 they signed a co-operation agreement that included an important number of protocols covering JINR’s participation in the construction of the LHC and the ALICE, ATLAS and CMS detectors, as well as in information technology. JINR has also made valuable contributions to smaller experiments at CERN.
Now that the major obligations undertaken by JINR for the construction of the LHC and its experiments have been met, CERN and JINR have decided to continue and reinforce their co-operation in the fields of particle physics, accelerator physics and technologies, educational programmes and the development of administrative and financial tools, mutually contributing to the scientific programmes of both laboratories. On 28 January, JINR’s director Alexei Sissakian and CERN’s director-general, Rolf Heuer, signed a new enlarged agreement to continue and enhance their co-operation in the field of high-energy physics.