
The Standard Theory of Particle Physics: Essays to Celebrate CERN’s 60th Anniversary

16 February 2018

By Luciano Maiani and Luigi Rolandi (eds.)
World Scientific

Also available at the CERN bookshop


This book is a collection of articles dedicated to topics within the field of Standard Model physics, authored by some of the main players in both its theory and experimental development. It is edited by Luciano Maiani and Luigi Rolandi, two well-known figures in high-energy physics.

The volume has 21 chapters, most of them devoted to very specific subjects. The first chapters take the reader through a fascinating tour of the history of the field, starting from the earliest days, around the time when CERN was established. I particularly enjoyed reading some recollections of Gerard ’t Hooft, such as: “Asymptotic freedom was discovered three times before 1973 (when Politzer, Gross and Wilczek published their results), but not recognised as a new discovery. This is just one of those cases of miscommunication. The ‘experts’ were so sure that asymptotic freedom was impossible, that signals to the contrary were not heard, let alone believed. In turn, when I did the calculation, I found it difficult to believe that the result was still not known.”

In chapter three, K Ellis reviews the evolution of our understanding of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and deep-inelastic scattering. Among many things, he shows how the beta function depends on the strong coupling constant, αS, and explains why many perturbative calculations can be made in QCD, when the interactions take place at high-enough energies. At the hadronic scale, however, αS is too large and the perturbative expansion tool no longer works, so alternative methods have to be used. Many non-perturbative effects can be studied with the lattice QCD approach, which is addressed in chapter five. The experimental status regarding αS is reviewed in the following chapter, where G Dissertori shows the remarkable progress in measurement precision (with LHC values reaching per-cent level uncertainties and covering an unprecedented energy range), and how the data is in excellent agreement with the theoretical expectations.

Through the other chapters we can find a large diversity of topics, including a review of global fits of electroweak observables, presently aimed at probing the internal consistency of the Standard Model and constraining its possible extensions given the measured masses of the Higgs boson and of the top quark. Two chapters focus specifically on the W-boson and top-quark masses. Also discussed in detail are flavour physics, rare decays, neutrino masses and oscillations, as is the production of W and Z bosons, in particular in a chapter by M Mangano.

The Higgs boson is featured in many pages: after a chapter by J Ellis, M Gaillard and D Nanopoulos covering its history (and pre-history), its experimental discovery and the measurement of its properties fill two further chapters. An impressive amount of information is condensed in these pages, which are packed with many numbers and (multi-panel) figures. Unfortunately, the figures are printed in black and white (with only two exceptions), which severely affects the clarity of many of them. A book of this importance deserved a more colourful destiny.

The editors make a good point in claiming the time has come to upgrade the Standard Model into the “Standard Theory” of particle physics, and I think this book deserves a place in the bookshelves of a broad community, from the scientists and engineers who contributed to the progress of high-energy physics to younger physicists, eager to learn and enjoy the corresponding inside stories.

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