Invitation to Contemporary Physics
This is a completely revised second edition of a book that presents 10 of the most important areas of modern physics.
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This is a completely revised second edition of a book that presents 10 of the most important areas of modern physics.
Emanuele Quercigh reviews in 2004 Roberto Salmeron Festschrift: A Master and A Friend.
Ben Allanach reviews in 2004 Proceedings of the Dirac Centennial Symposium.
Gordon Fraser reviews in 2004 Ettore Majorana - Notes on Theoretical Physics.
André Martin reviews in 2004 The Fly in the Cathedral.
This book contains a selection of the papers presented at the symposium, including contributions from such luminaries as Freeman Dyson, Martinus Veltman, Gerard 't Hooft and Maurice Goldhaber.
These are the first two volumes of a three-volume set intended to provide a comprehensive review of experiments in very strong magnetic fields, which can be generated only with special magnets.
Occupying a gap between standard undergraduate and more advanced texts on quantum field theory, this book covers a range of renormalization methods, including mean-field theories and high-temperature ...
Subtitled "QCD and the Electroweak Theory", this is the second volume of the third edition of a highly successful textbook, which has now been substantially enlarged and updated.
Gordon Fraser reviews in 2004 The Cold Wars - A History of Superconductivity.