Strange Glow: The Story of Radiation
In this book, Timothy Jorgensen, a professor of radiation medicine at Georgetown University in the US, recounts the story of the discovery of radioactivity and how mankind has been transformed by it, ...
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In this book, Timothy Jorgensen, a professor of radiation medicine at Georgetown University in the US, recounts the story of the discovery of radioactivity and how mankind has been transformed by it, ...
This book aims to provide an overview of both present and emerging nanoelectronics devices, focusing on their numerous applications such as memories, logic circuits, power devices and sensors.
This book is about telling the story of quantum theory entirely in terms of pictures.
The aim of the author was to provide a concise book in which both the basic concepts of QM and its most relevant applications to electronics and information technologies are covered making use of only...
James Gilles reviews in 2018 From Stars To States: A Manifest for Science in Society.
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to classic field theory, which concerns the generation and interaction of fields and is the logical precursor of quantum field theory.
Luis Álvarez-Gaumé reviews in 2018 From Photon To Neuron: Light, Imaging, Vision.
This book aims to provide physical sciences students with the computational skills that they will need in their careers and expose them to applications of programming to problems relevant to their fie...
This book provides an excellent overview of the state of the art of quantum field theory (QFT) applications to condensed-matter physics (CMP).