Czech physics scene is growing
Particle physics in the Czech Republic is maturing fast.
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Experiments at CERN's low-energy antiproton ring (LEAR), closed in 1996, brought many very-high-precision and sometimes surprising antiproton results.
Wolfgang Pauli, the "conscience of physics" was born in Vienna on 25 April 1900.
A new class of baby radio galaxy has been discovered using very long baseline interferometry. The sources, dubbed compact symmetric objects, are the youngest radio galaxies ever observed – a mer...
New evidence for strong intergalactic magnetic fields may help to solve the mystery of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays. These particles can reach energies of more than 1020 eV – 100 million times a...
Newton, the European Space Agency’s new X-ray observatory (April p11), was undergoing routine calibration, imaging a known, stable X-ray source in the Large Magellanic Clouds, when all of a sudd...
CERN's flagship accelerator, the 27 km Large Electron Positron collider (LEP), began its final year in fine style in April colliding beams at a record 104 GeV per beam, just three weeks after start-u...
The new Isotope Separator and Accelerator is now operational at the Canadian TRIUMF laboratory, producing intense beams of short-lived, exotic nuclei.
The first of 420 short straight sections for CERN's LHC collider to be put on test at CERN has been successfully ramped to full current.
In a meeting at CERN on 10-11 April, a restricted interim council of the SESAME project selected Jordan as its first choice by a large majority and Armenia as its second choice.