Hidden Worlds: Hunting for Quarks in Ordinary Matter
John Cuckney reviews in 2003 Hidden Worlds: Hunting for Quarks in Ordinary Matter.
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John Cuckney reviews in 2003 Hidden Worlds: Hunting for Quarks in Ordinary Matter.
The first workshop of the recently founded Quarkonium Working Group (QWG) took place at CERN on 8-10 November 2002, nearly 30 years after the observation of charmonium - the first of the heavy quarkon...
The mysterious quantity that is spin took centre stage at Brookhaven for the SPIN2002 meeting last September. Yousef Makdisi and Thomas Roser report.
The 32nd International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics was held on 7-13 September in Alushta, Ukraine. Since the first symposium in Paris 30 years ago, these meetings have covered the problems of ...
Teams from France, Germany and Poland have recently observed two-proton radioactive decay from iron-45 nuclei. Bertram Blank explains how this opens up exciting new research avenues in nuclear physics...
This year's Rochester International Conference on High Energy Physics, held in Amsterdam, provided a showcase for precision results, and pointed the way forward for particle physics at future faciliti...
Following the 2000 announcement by the CERN heavy-ion community of evidence for a new state of unbound quark-gluon matter, heavy-ion physicists have been eagerly awaiting results from Brookhaven's RHI...
As well as taking proton-proton and heavy-ion physics into a new energy regime, CERN's LHC will produce the world's highest-energy photon-hadron interactions, providing a powerful fundamental physics ...
For nearly two decades nuclear and particle physicists have been searching for experimental evidence of a new state of deconfined hot quark-gluon matter. A recent study institute in Brazil took stock ...
A recent workshop on the nucleon has pinpointed near to mid-term goals for QCD hadron structure physics. Nicola Bianchi and Rainer Jakob report.