KEDR adds new precision to meson mass measurements
In October 2005 the VEPP-4M collider at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics started its latest run with the KEDR detector.
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In October 2005 the VEPP-4M collider at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics started its latest run with the KEDR detector.
In a sample of 58 million J/ψ events, the BES collaboration at the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC) has found a clear signal (7.7σ statistical significance) for a new resonance, the X(1835)...
The RHIC accelerator collides 100 GeV polarized protons head-on to study the contribution of gluons to the proton spin. But how is the degree of polarization of the beam known? Willy Haeberli explain...
The DIS 2005 workshop reviewed progress in deep inelastic scattering and quantum chromodynamics, and provided the chance to plan for the future, reports Wesley Smith.
The HCP2005 Symposium, held in the Swiss Alps, discussed the latest results from the Tevatron and the prospect that the LHC will open new scientific frontiers.
Several research groups are conducting experiments to determine the exact contributions of strange quarks in the quark-gluon "sea" to the proton's charge distribution and magnetization.
Pomeron physics and QCD met once again at the XIth International Conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering: Towards High Energy Frontiers.
The Belle collaboration, with a detector operating at the KEKB facility, has recently reported that they have observed the rare b → d transitions.
The DEAR (DAFNE Exotic Atoms Research) experiment at the DAFNE φ factory at Frascati has performed the most accurate determination of the effect of the strong interaction on the binding energy of kao...
New results presented at Lepton-Photon 2005 provide important tests of the predictive powers of lattice calculations of parameters vital in the study of CP violation.