Ten nations sign up for European XFEL project
On 30 November, representatives from Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Russia, the Slovak Republic, Sweden and Switzerland signed the "Convention concerning the Construction and Opera...
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On 30 November, representatives from Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Russia, the Slovak Republic, Sweden and Switzerland signed the "Convention concerning the Construction and Opera...
A CERN Theory Institute investigated the impact of early LHC data.
All about EuCARD, a new four-year project centred on accelerator R&D.
In the latest instalment of funding from the US Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Science under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Fermilab is to receive an additional $60.2 million to ...
The US Department of Energy has selected Michigan State University to design and establish the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, a new research facility to advance the understanding of rare nuclear iso...
Rolf Heuer talks about his long-term vision for CERN.
At its meeting on 12 December, CERN Council thanked the organization's outgoing management and welcomed in the new.
EPAC returned to Italy for the last meeting in the European series.
On 16–17 October members of a new four-year, EU-funded project met at CERN for the kick-off meeting of the Particle Training Network for European Radiotherapy (PARTNER)
The European Commission (EC) has allocated €3 million within the Seventh Framework Programme for preliminary studies for the development of the Einstein Telescope – a major new gravitational-wave...