Colliders unite in the Linear Collider Collaboration
The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) and the International Linear Collider (ILC) – two studies for next-generation projects to complement the LHC – now belong to the same organization.
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The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) and the International Linear Collider (ILC) – two studies for next-generation projects to complement the LHC – now belong to the same organization.
On 14 December, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution to allow CERN to participate in the work of the General Assembly and to attend its sessions as an observer.
At the end of November, European funding agencies for astroparticle physics launched a new sustainable entity, the Astroparticle Physics European Consortium.
On 5 October, CERN’s director-general, Rolf Heuer, and the minister of education and culture of the Republic of Cyprus, George Demosthenous, signed an agreement under which the Republic of Cyprus wi...
On 10–12 September, some 500 physicists attended an open symposium in Krakow for the purpose of updating the European Strategy for Particle Physics, which was adopted by CERN Council in 2006.
The original CERN convention, which was drafted nearly 60 years ago, foresaw that the organization should have a role as co-ordinator for European particle physics, as well as operating international...
In the LHeC, an electron beam would collide with the hadron beams of the LHC to allow a rich programme of physics.
On 13 February, US President Barack Obama unveiled his administration's budget request for fiscal year 2013, which begins on 1 October 2012.
Lucie Linssen and Steinar Stapnes examine the question of authoring long-term development projects for particle physics.
The HiLumi LHC Design Study is drawing on expertise from around the world in setting the scope for a high-luminosity upgrade.