Neutrino mixing at Daya Bay
The experiment is poised to investigate the least well known sector of the recently discovered phenomenon of neutrino mixing.
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The experiment is poised to investigate the least well known sector of the recently discovered phenomenon of neutrino mixing.
The Borexino detector is now fully operational at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso.
The MiniBooNE Collaboration at Fermilab has revealed its first findings.
In the May 2007 issue, Nick Jelley and Alan Poon looked back at the achievements of the SNO experiment.
In 1987, detectors recorded a neutrino pulse emitted by SN1987A. Masayuki Nakahata, who found the signal in Kamiokande, looks at the ongoing legacy of this historic event.
Physicists met in Uppsala to consider how the next generation of high-energy neutrino detectors can contribute to new physics as well as to study cosmic phenomena.
Six years after its construction began, the CNGS facility at CERN has sent its first batch of neutrinos 732 km to Gran Sasso in Italy in a highly successful commissioning run.
After three years of construction, the OPERA experiment has detected the first neutrinos from CNGS, and an automated production and assembly line is in full swing to complete the detector so that its ...
For the first time, on 18 August, the OPERA detector in the Gran Sasso Laboratory in Italy recorded the interactions of neutrinos sent from CERN, 732 km away.
After many years of tests, the ANTARES neutrino detector deployed in the Mediterranean Sea is using its first full detector line to register the tracks of cosmic-ray muons.