One Higgs, three discoveries
The ATLAS and CMS collaborations have not only discovered a new particle, argues Yosef Nir, but also laid bare the underpinnings of electroweak interactions and uncovered the first evidence for a new ...
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The ATLAS and CMS collaborations have not only discovered a new particle, argues Yosef Nir, but also laid bare the underpinnings of electroweak interactions and uncovered the first evidence for a new ...
The first evidence for the coupling of the Higgs boson to a second-generation fermion has been reported at the LHC.
Advances in Higgs, flavour and neutrino physics were among the highlights of ICHEP 2020, writes Mark Thomson.
The ATLAS collaboration has made the first observation of the photo-production of W-boson pairs.
The observation of the electroweak production of W±W±, WZ and ZZ boson pairs is an essential milestone towards precision tests at the LHC.
Originally scheduled to be held in Paris, the fully online conference brought together a particularly large and diverse group of participants.
CMS has made a novel measurement of the top-quark mass by reconstructing boosted top quarks as single jets.
A new ATLAS analysis cuts a swathe into the parameter space for one well-motivated alternative electroweak symmetry breaking sector.
The ATLAS and CMS collaborations have obtained new insights into the charge-parity structure of top-Higgs interactions.
The LHC’s physics programme has transformed our understanding of elementary particles, writes Michelangelo Mangano.