New subdetectors to extend ALICE’s reach
The LHC’s dedicated heavy-ion experiment is to be equipped with an upgraded inner tracker and a new forward calorimeter during the next long shutdown.
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The LHC’s dedicated heavy-ion experiment is to be equipped with an upgraded inner tracker and a new forward calorimeter during the next long shutdown.
Having emerged from a scheduled long shutdown, the upgraded Belle II detector in Japan recorded its first collisions on 20 February.
The 6th conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics highlighted strong knowledge-transfer opportunities.
The first fully monolithic 3D-printed detector sets a new milestone for fast and cost-efficient detector construction.
The proposed Forward Physics Facility at CERN offers a broad programme ranging from neutrino, QCD and hadron-structure studies to beyond-the-Standard Model searches.
In the latest milestone for the CERN Neutrino Platform, a state-of-the-art time projection chamber for the near detector of the upgraded T2K experiment in Japan is now fully operational.
A pileup of 1000 proton–proton collisions per bunch-crossing is just one of the challenges in extracting physics from a next-generation hadron collider to follow the LHC.
The challenges of performing precision flavour physics in the very harsh conditions of the HL-LHC are triggering a vast R&D programme at the forefront of technology.
The ALICE collaboration is charting a course to an exciting heavy-ion physics programme for Runs 5 and 6 at the High-Luminosity LHC.
A new CMS subdetector – the Precision Proton Spectrometer (PPS) – allows the electroweak sector of the Standard Model to be probed in regions so far unexplored.